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ECS G45T-M2 LGA 775 Intel G45 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail

Product Reviews

ECS G45T-M2 LGA 775 Intel G45 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail
Very Good
Below Average
Rating: 4/10

Review Date: 06/04/09
ECS G45T-M2 LGA 775 Intel G45 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail
Cons:ReliabilityUser Manual

I purchased this motherboard to put in a cheap desktop computer with an Intel e5200 Dual-Core and 4GB of G.Skill DDR2. It was a mistake.After assembling the system for the first time, I was unable to turn the power off. You would shutdown in windows and it would appear that the system shuts off properly. Then about 3 seconds after the fans stop, the system would power itself back on again and proceed to boot into windows.So that board was RMA'd. The second board arrives and is installed. All was well for about a month, then the system stopped booting. I had to borrow a friend's computer so that I could use his parts to troubleshoot this problem, but I knew that it was going to be the motherboard in the end.Sure enough, after swapping the CPU, ram, power supply and even the case, I still could not get the system to boot. After a long string of emails between ECS and myself, NCIX was kind enough to handle the RMA for me after I shipped the board to them. Many, many thanks for this! :)Three days after I sent NCIX the board, I received the replacement, which turned out the be a brand new board. After installing it, everything seems fine. It actually seems like the board runs differently. The original two boards, after changing anything in the BIOS, would shut themselves down and power back on, while this new one just restarts without the power down.Hopefully this will be the end of the issues I have had with this board. I was looking for a relatively cheap board that had a decent feature list, but I regret purchasing this one for the headache it has caused me. This review was modfied by poster @ 06-04-09 12:39 PM
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