Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
David_G@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 08/29/12 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Cons:Pas vraiment
Pros:Le meilleur windows jusqu'à présent selon moi. Performant, stable, rapide à installer |
PLP@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 02/22/12 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Pros:Fast and styled Comment:
Windows 7 is more easy to use than Vista wich I had before.. I really like the new style he got and the widgets we can put on the deskopt :)Say thank you to me Microsoft.. I did get Seven by a legit way ;) |
Marc-André_F@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 08/09/11 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Cons:-30$ de plus que la version anglaise lors d'un certain rabais ...
Pros:-Une interface réhaussé-Supporte jusqu'à 16gb de ram-DX 11 Comment:
Et bien c'est windows 7 quoi. Vite, efficace, ergonomique... le nouveau standard des systèmes d'exploitations. L'ajout de DX11 vient aussi rehausser les graphiques en jeux. |
YL@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 08/07/11 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Cons:expensive, limiting, boring, old
Pros:none really Comment:
what can you do, this is what everybody has. get out of your comfort zone and try Ubuntu. Installing Windows 7 is slow. After installation there is not much you can do other than charging your credit card to buy more software. Need protection against viruses and so. With Ubuntu you can get tons of free software that gets you productive. |
e.a@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 07/07/11 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Pros:tres bon logitiel Comment:
jutillisait windows xp depuis longtemps apres avoir acheter un nouveaux pc jai tester linux et jai vite changer pour windows 7 pas un retail mais un oem pour la motier presque du prix je vous le recomande |
Patrick_V@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 04/05/11 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Cons:- A lot of update after a fresh install
Pros:- Easy to use- Easy to install Comment:
Great look and feel. This is better than Vista |
Poindexter@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 02/11/11 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
- On se cherche un peu (quand on vient de XP)- Peux ne pas être compatible avec quelques vieux programmes 32bits
Pros: - Facile à comprendre et utiliser, intuitif- Interface très belle Comment:
Je le préfère de loin à Vista ... je trouve Win 7 beaucoup plus facile à utiliser et plus beau aussiFaut juste porter attention à choisir les versions 64bits quand on cherche des drivers/applications. |
French@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 11/08/10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Pros: cette version de windows s'est intallée sans problême sur ma mise à niveau d'ordinateur Comment:
J'ai installé win 7 sur mon ordinateur après un changement de carte mère et de processeur . Auparavant j'utilisais win XP et je suis soulagé aucune bug lors de l'intallation . Reste a faire l'apprentissage sur ce système d'exploitation . |
Ergo93@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 08/28/10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Pros: it's rock stable Comment:
As all the other Win7, PRO and ultimate, it can run on older machine without any problem, it's fast to boot and response is snappy |
Francis_M@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 07/16/10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
none as i encountered until now.
Pros: It's Windows 7, much better and a lot more stable than Vista. Comment:
Windows 7 is much better and a lot more stable than Windows Vista, and buying the 64bit version make it future-proof and even more stable!This version here is the french language version, mostly for us french-speaking users, or peoples who want to learn french language in an unusual way.So far no problem that i encountered, it didn't even crashed on me once, i like it a lot more than Windows XP that's for sure! I'm also glad i didn't had to "suffer" the pain of Vista! hehe... |
Lucie_A@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 06/17/10 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Not mac os 10.6
Pros: Very stable, affordable Comment:
I can't complain about windows 7, it is much better then vista no argument there. Xp is getting very old and 7 oem ain't that expensive. I do prefer my macbook pro but it's as good as the pc ever was. |
Xilikon@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 10/23/09 |
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit French 1-Pack for System Builders
Cons:Not free :p
Pros:Great OS, much much better than Vista Comment:
I have used windows 7 on my computer since the 7000 build and so far, the experience always been great for a beta OS. The final version is just much more polished and I expect a great user experience for years to come until the next OS release. |
Manque quelques fonctionnalités comme le support des images ISO, permettre de mettre une copie de fichier en pause.