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PNY Optima 2.5" 480GB Sataiii 510MBPS Read 320MBPS Write Internal Solid State Drive

PNY Optima 2.5" 480GB Sataiii 510MBPS Read 320MBPS Write Internal Solid State Drive
Vendor: PNY Technologies Inc
Price: $0.00 - $0.00 CAD from 0 stores 1 related products On Auction as low as $188.42

Product Reviews

PNY Optima 2.5" 480GB Sataiii 510MBPS Read 320MBPS Write Internal Solid State Drive
Very Good
Below Average
Rating: 8/10
Roger D ©1999@NCIX

Review Date: 02/02/15
PNY Optima 2.5" 480GB Sataiii 510MBPS Read 320MBPS Write Internal Solid State Drive
Cons:None at the moment.

Pros:Price On Sale, Speeds Not Bad.
Picked this up recently to upgrade my PC that had an older ATA hard drive. Of course the PC is now leaps and bounds quicker as would any SSD regardless of controller.The drive as tested with AS SSD benchmark in my run of the mill Phenom II 945 AMD/Gigabyte system spat out Sequential 437/406 read/write.The SMI controller is the latest firmware offered from PNY which is N0815B on my drive. Have heard rumors this could be built with Sandforce controllers at times...but as I said mine came with an SMI.For the price I paid, the useage thus exceeds my expectation so far so it was a bargain for my needs. Oh and I've read about the bait and switch farce like Kingston had done about changing controllers however for the price I didn't expect top shelf components, with that thought going in I wasn't let down. This review was modfied by poster @ 02-02-15 03:28 PM
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