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Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2

Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
SAPPHIREVPN: 11163-02-20R
Price: $0.00 - $0.00 CAD from 0 stores

Product Reviews

Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Very Good
Below Average
Rating: 8/10

Review Date: 12/20/10
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Cons: Fps compared to high end but you got to emit its a sub 150$ gpu, crossfire scaling

Pros: Price, power for price, HD video play back, as well as general data encoding with the new Catayls Drivers
Overall this gpu doesnt compete with high end Gpu's but it is a great Graphics card if you are planing on watching Hd videos, and or mediem games. Though this card can play crysis 1080p k about 32 fps on very high. Congrats to Ati

Review Date: 12/16/10
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Cons: Occasional display issues, although probably driver-based

Pros: Price is right
I purchased this card to couple with a Gigabyte X58 motherboard and overall, it's been a good purchase. Ran the card through its initial benchmarks and played COD4 on it with no issues. Would purchase again.

Review Date: 11/17/10
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Cons: Unit crashes in SC2 and WOW on ULTRA and HIGH settings.

Pros: Good value.. good scores
I'm sure it's something that could be fixed with a firmware update... but this unit it giving the black screen of death during games. Manually setting the fan to 100% can help... but not completely. My setup is the AMD Phenom X4 II - 965 and DDR3 memory. I put this unit in my AMD Phenom 1 X4 with DDR2 and it runs great. Will probably swap it and spring for a 6850 in the other computer.

Review Date: 08/27/10
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Cons: none really

Pros: FastQuietvery decent for the price I paid
For some reason it seems that I got a vapor X one instead cause the cooler looks like it. But anyways, this is a pretty good card for gaming at around then 1650x1050 resolution but thats the limit. You can really complain about a sub-$200 card when it offers you triple monitor support and DX11.

Review Date: 01/01/10
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 850MHZ 1GB 4.8GHZ GDDR5 PCI-E 2XDVI HDMI Display Port Lite Video Card V2
Cons: Le refroidisseur n'est pas comme celui montré sur l'image dans la description du produit. Le système de refroidissement est le version 2 maintenant. Pour le GPU il est équivalement mais pour la mémoire il est probablement moins efficasse puisqu'il n'y a plus de contact en le refroidisseur est le mémoires.

Pros: La meilleure affaire du marché présentment.Un carte très abordable et presqu'aussi performente que la GTX260. Devient très performente lorsqu'utilisées en CrossfrieX.DirectX 11 pour le future.
J'ai acheter deux carte comme celle-ic pour utiliser en CrossfireX dans mon système principal. Ce setup de deux carte graphique est une meilleur affaire qu'une seule HD 5870 parce qu'aussi performente à bien moin chère. Utilisé avec un processeur I7 920 et un peu d'overclock. Ce système est une vraie machine de guerre... À mon avis la HD 5770 est la meilleur affaire du marché présentement.
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