Silverstone 120MM FN121 Case Fan Black ~1200RPM 26.6DBA 53.24CFM
Liu Kang@NCIX Rating: Review Date: 03/17/07 |
Silverstone 120MM FN121 Case Fan Black ~1200RPM 26.6DBA 53.24CFM
Cons:- Price -- if you own a Silverstone case, you'll agree that these additional fans should come for free with all their cases
Pros:- Price- Good noise-to-air ratio |
Great fans for $12. I bought 3 of them for my TJ09 case -- 2 for the optional "blow hole" setup at the top of the case, and another for the HD tray.They move a surprising amount of air, particularly in the external HD bay of the TJ09. I'd recommend them to anyone using a Silverstone case.